Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ayers helps history happen

Years ago we were in a very small (and the only) grocery store in Superior, Arizona.  I noticed two faded bumper stickers wedged between some paperwork in the little so-called "customer service booth."  The stickers said simply: "History Happens."  Yes, indeed, history does happen.  Actually it happens two different ways.  First, the events and people who are part and parcel of what we call "history" do their thing.  That's when History Happens for the first time.  But History Happens yet once again when thoughtful people bring it alive for future generations to ponder and enjoy.

Oftentimes as History is happening, those who doing what they do don't remotely realize they are making history.  Most people think that making history is something like giving the Gettysburg Address or cutting down a cherry tree or dying on some lonely hilltop at the Little Big Horn.  History is so much more than such iconic events--it's actually the stuff of everyday life.  How we manage to survive in our various daily worlds is actually the heart and soul of history.

The Verde Valley and especially the Lower Verde is lucky to have a bright new star on the History Horizon.  His name is Steve Ayers and his day job is as a reporter for The Camp Verde Bugle.  Every newspaper has a derogatory nickname and this one has often been the Camp Verde Bungle.  However, with Steve's professional talents now always evident, it's easy to forego the old Bungle Daze and refer to its proper, legal name.

Steve has an obvious fascination with history and how History Happens.  And he's making his own mark by bringing history back to life in an area that's quite literally dripping with significant history.  Steve's on the Board of the Camp Verde Historical Society.  (The group's acronym is the same as the high school's: CVHS)  For years, if not decades or perhaps generations, CVHS has been a rather stagnant group making little significant progress in the preservation of the history of the Lower Verde.  Bea Richmond was the group's main mover and shaker and with Bea's efforts some things did get accomplished.  Now along comes Steve and he's obviously provided a spark that's clearly jump started CVHS into new levels of enthusiasm, action, and, yes, even actual results.  History is Happening once again in the Lower Verde and it's a refreshing and exciting development.

Want some proof?  Ok, how's this?  Steve took the lead on producing a book of historical photos of Camp Verde.  That might seem like a simple task.  However, given all the intrigues and tangled family subplots in Camp Verde, we're amazed this book ever got off the ground much less got published.  Hats off to CVHS and Steve Ayers for making it happen.  You can click here to read the newspaper story about the book.  (NOTE: If the newspaper link fails to work, click here for a PDF copy of the story we've archived on our Google Docs.)

Meanwhile, Steve is helping History Happen by researching and writing professional quality newspaper stories about all sorts of historical topics.  His latest is on the pioneer photographers of the area.  Anyone who knows anything about the tedious nature of historical research will appreciate the time and effort that went into this story.  Reading Steve's "History Happens" stories are a real delight for me and we will do our best to bring them here whenever we see them.  Click here for the pioneer photographer story as it appears in the newspaper.  (NOTE: If the newspaper link failt to work, click here for a PDF copy archived on our Google Docs.)

Thanks, Steve, and keep up your GREAT Work!

Cheers, jp

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